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Stranger Things 2 Plot Details Revealed!

Entertainment Weekly just published an article with new plot details about Season 2 in addition to another photo of the boys on Halloween (this time including Will too). The details mostly reveal the roles of the characters in the upcoming season without actually giving too much away about what happens. Needles to say – spoilers ahead! They are pretty mild spoilers, but read at your own risk.

On Will's condition:

“He seems to be seeing images from the Upside Down—the question is whether they’re real or not,” says co-creator Matt Duffer. “So it seems like he’s having some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder.”

On Joyce and Bob Newby

His ultra-fraught mother, Joyce (Winona Ryder), is attempting to make things stable for Will and his brother, Jonathan (Charlie Heaton), and she is dating an old high school classmate, Bob (The Goonies’ Sean Astin). “She’s trying to mask a lot,” explains Ryder. “I think she’s made this choice with Bob because she wants a good father figure in her sons’ lives.”

On Hopper's role

Hopper (David Harbour) is attempting to keep all the events of last season, like the disappearance of Barb, a secret in order to protect Joyce and the kids. “It kind of falls on Hopper to be the voice of authority to say, ‘This did happen and this didn’t happen,’” says Harbour. “He’s struggling with the compromise that takes him to, having to lie and cover things up.”

On Mike and Nancy grieving

Siblings Nancy (Natalia Dyer) and Mike are also much changed and mourning the (seeming) deaths of friends Barb and Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown). “She and Mike are both the most screwed-up because they’re the ones who both lost someone,” says co-creator Ross Duffer. “They’re both grappling with that, and we see the effects.”

On new siblings Max and Billy

Shaking up the dynamics in Hawkins is the arrival of another brother-sister duo, Billy (Dacre Montgomery) and Max (Sadie Sink). While Max becomes pals with the boys and attracts romantic interest from Lucas and Dustin (played by actors Caleb McLaughlin and Gaten Matarazzo), Billy doesn’t exactly make friends. Teases Matt Duffer, “Stephen King always has really great human villains. The evil in the real world is often as bad or worse than the supernatural evil, so we wanted to introduce a character like that.”

In addition to this, the article reveals that Hawkins Lab is now run by the "seemingly friendly" Dr. Owens (Paul Reiser). Also, Dustin gets a polliwog-like pet. “It’s a little creature I get to bond with,” says Matarazzo. “It’s obviously not from this planet or this dimension.” I guess now we know the titular character of the sixth episode: "The Pollywog."

They later posted another, separate article dedicated entirely to Eleven, which revealed little and didn't actually do much more than make us more curious:

“I want people to know that she’s back and she’s a major part of the season and not know how or why,” says co-creator Matt Duffer. “We do get into her story and backstory. We learn about where she came from and how she came into the world and the program that resulted in her.”

Adds Brown, “She has a storyline this season for her, and it’s an emotional transition. Last season I didn’t get to expand [on the character] — this season is giving me that opportunity.”

Source: EW.com

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